Saturday, October 6, 2007

Case 5: Zachman Framework with UML

Another late night case that was finished.....well,I hope this is the last....hehehehe :)

link ---> Zachman Framework w/UML


Social Security talks mainly on the fund that the pensioners would get if they would retire...with my groupmates, Olver and Jherrivin....

I thought our final exam would be a written exam hehehehe...

we'll here's the took us hours to get this right....

Social Security Fund

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Case 4: Ambulance

This is the case for the Ambulance...

Please refer to the links.

Ambulance database

Case 3: Starr Motor

This is the case for Starr motor Company.

Please refer to the link below for referal.

Starr Motor Excel
Starr Motor Presentation

Friday, August 31, 2007

Case 2 : Eastern Coffee Case

This is about the negotiation of the Eastern Coffee Labor....

Please refer to the link for the files....

Eastern Coffee Excel
Eastern Coffee Presentation

Friday, August 3, 2007

MIsty Valley Country Inn

This is the case study that we did using Microsoft Access..It was quite a challenge though making this case study because of the busy schedules that we have because of the ongoing examinations of our students.

Please open my it is....

Misty Valley Deliverables.doc
Misty Valley Country Inn.mdb

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Assessment Exam

Course 1 - Basic Concepts in Information Technology
Pre-assessment = 90 (7/10/07)

(Being a teacher has its benefits, hehehe)


Course 2 - Computer and File Management
Pre-assessment = 86 (7/10/07)

(Whew! barey....shortcuts doesn't cut it)


Course 3 - Word 2000 Basics
Pre-assessment = 88 (7/10/07)

Course 3 - Word 2000 Advanced Features
Pre-assessment = 76 (7/10/07) - wak! bagsak....
Post-assessment = 87 (7/10/07) - buti nmn....


Course 4 - Excel 2000 Basics
Pre-assessment = 85 (7/11/07) huh? Chaka

Course 4 - Excel 2000 Advanced Features
Pre-assessment = 74 (7/11/07)
Post-assessment = 85 (7/11/07)


Course 5 - Access 2000 Basics
Pre-assessment = 88 (7/11/07)

Course 5 - Access 2000 Advanced Features
Pre-assessment = 72 (7/11/07)
Post-assessment = 88 (7/11/07)


Course 6 - Powerpoint 2000 Basics
Pre-assessment = 92 (7/14/07)

Course 6 - Powerpoint 2000 Advanced Features
Pre-assessment = 87 (7/14/07)


Course 7 - Web Browsing Fundamentals
Pre-assessment = 88 (7/17/07)

Course 7 - Messaging Fundamentals
Pre-assessment = 86 (7/17/07)

In summary, the test was great because I was able to assess my skills....